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Accountants & Business Advisers

Owner-Managed Businesses

We understand that navigating the complex landscape of taxation for Owner-Managed Businesses (OMBs) requires a tailored and strategic tax planning approach and proactive advisory services. As a business owner, you are not just managing your business; you are also responsible for ensuring compliance with ever-evolving tax regulations, whilst maximising efficiency.

We aim to optimise your tax position, maximise available reliefs and deductions and enhance your overall financial performance to help you to maximise your potential, enabling you to focus on what matters most – managing and growing your business.

How it benefits you
  • We help you with your cash extraction strategy to ensure you access funds tax efficiently through salary, dividends, pension or otherwise
  • We support you with key decisions including succession or exit planning
  • We review and enhance the availability of tax reliefs
  • Helping you with your cashflow projections to ensure you understand the timing of tax liabilities, helping you to adjust tax payments when income changes and planning for large increases in tax liabilities
  • Helping you to plan for your liabilities when joining and leaving a business
How we can help
  • Reviewing and planning for tax liabilities
  • Cash flow and cash extraction planning
  • Enhancing the availability of tax reliefs, particularly for Inheritance tax and Capital Gains tax
  • Succession planning with the introduction of new partners, shareholders or the transfer of your business
  • Expenses and Benefits in Kind advice and compliance
  • Supporting you with your globally mobile employees