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Accountants & Business Advisers

Business Succession Planning

No business owner can continue to work forever and there will come a time when it’s right, indeed necessary, to handover to the next generation.

Key to effective business succession is to plan well ahead. A plan that is executed in haste or by necessity, will rarely achieve the best outcome for the business and its employees, or derive maximum value for the current business owners.

Our approach

Our team have a wealth of experience in advising business owners, first to ensure we understand your aspirations and then to work with you in partnership, often over an extended period of time, to deliver an effective and tax efficient business succession plan.

Succession options we may explore with you include:

  • Passing on the business within your family, via sale or gift and either directly or into trust.
  • A trade sale to a third party.
  • A management buyout, perhaps supported by private equity.
  • A transfer to employee ownership.
  • Occasionally, an orderly winding up of the business to maximise the value of its assets.

Once you’ve settled on a preferred course of action, our role is to ensure your plan is implemented tax efficiently and that you retain the maximum reward for all your hard work in building a successful business.

For example, by keeping abreast of the UK’s complex and ever-changing tax rules, we seek to:

  • Derive maximum benefit from Business Asset Disposal Relief (see further below) to minimise Capital Gains tax liabilities on proceeds received.
  • Use rollover reliefs to mitigate against ‘dry’ tax charges on gifts or transfers of assets for which no cash is received.
  • Assess the bigger picture to legitimately minimise future Inheritance tax exposures.
Business Asset Disposal Relief

Business Asset Disposal Relief, previously known as Entrepreneurs' Relief, is a UK tax benefit that provides a reduced Capital Gains tax rate for individuals disposing of certain business assets. The purpose of this relief is to encourage entrepreneurship and business growth by offering tax incentives to business owners who sell or dispose of their businesses or business assets.

Key points about Business Asset Disposal Relief:

  • Reduced Capital Gains tax: With Business Asset Disposal Relief, qualifying individuals can benefit from a reduced rate of Capital Gains tax of just 10% when they sell or dispose of eligible business assets.
  • Eligible Business Assets: The relief applies to the disposal of qualifying business assets, which can include shares in a company (subject to meeting certain conditions), assets used in a business, or the whole business itself.
  • Qualification Criteria: To be eligible for the relief, certain conditions must be met, such as owning the asset for a specified period (normally 2 years) and being involved in the business in certain capacities (e.g. as a sole trader, partner, employee, or officer of a company).
  • Lifetime Allowance: Every individual has a lifetime allowance, currently £1 million, for the gains that can benefit from this relief. Subject to further tax planning, gains above this limit would be subject to the standard Capital Gains tax rates.

The above is a just a summary of some of the key Business Asset Disposal Relief criteria. Please contact us for detailed advice specific to your circumstances.

Why choose us?

We commit to providing you with clear and pragmatic advice, thereby ensuring you can proceed with confidence, secure in the knowledge that you are taking advantage of all available tax reliefs and efficiencies.

Please contact us for an initial conversation about your business succession plans.