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Tax considerations when moving to the UK

4 July 2022


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A guide including an introduction about moving to the UK and London.

One of the pitfalls about coming to the UK is where there is an offshore trust involved. Offshore trusts enjoy tax privileges in certain circumstances. It is fine to come to the UK if you are a beneficiary of the trust, but there may be pitfalls if you are the settlor or if after coming to the UK, all the trustees are resident in the UK. That might have the unintended consequence of making the trust UK resident and losing the privileged tax status that the trust enjoyed when it was resident offshore with respect to the UK. If there is such a trust in existence, perhaps a family trust of which you are a beneficiary, then you should discuss this and the exact circumstances in your case with your UK tax adviser during your pre-arrival briefing and before you arrive in the UK.

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